
I’m Pouria. A Happy Product Designer with Software Engineering Background and a passion for Game Design

Experienced senior product designer with 8 years of expertise in research, interaction design, testing, and prototyping. Let’s collaborate and bring your product ideas to life!

Product Design  ⭕ Experience Design ⭕ Game Design

ATD360: Network Security Web Application for Security Analysts to Find Advance Threats and Attacks in Their Organization

User Research, Interaction Design

ATD360 is the ultimate weapon for big organizations to detect advanced threats! With its sleek log system, graph visual mode, and threat hunting mode, it makes spotting security threats a breeze. The best part? It provides profiles for all files, connections, registry key values, users, tasks, software, and more! ATD360 has got your back and is the perfect partner to keep your organization secure.

Zylem: A Process Mining Product That Helps Big Organizations Optimize Their Processes Based on Real Data

Information Architecture, User Flow

What is process mining? That was my question too when I joined Zylem as a UX designer. Essentially, it’s a way to analyze data from various sources like IT systems and databases, to identify patterns and optimize business processes. It’s like putting on a pair of X-ray goggles for your company’s operations – you can see everything that’s happening in your processes, from start to finish.


Game Design: A Live Escaperoom

Game Mechanics Design, Game Strategy, Puzzle & Challenge Design

If I had to pick a job other than product design, I would choose game design without a doubt! Game design has always been a passion of mine, and I spend a lot of my free time studying and learning more about it. Luckily, as a big fan of escape rooms here in Iran, I got the opportunity to design a whole escape room experience – from the storyline and puzzles to the gameplay, atmosphere, and acts.

Co-Life: Health Laboratories Platform

User Research, Usability Testing

A Designer is working hard to write his last case study 🙁

Download My Resume!

Experienced Senior Product Designer with 8 years in the field and a software engineering background. Skilled in a range of design tools, including Figma (with experience developing plugins), Sketch, and Miro. Adaptable, agile, and highly efficient in time management. Excels in problem-solving, with a talent for balancing business and user needs to create profitable, user-friendly products. Proven track record of delivering high-quality designs on time and within budget. A valuable addition to any design team.